We have deep experience in designing the governance needed to implement your strategy, generate value, building productive shareholder relationships, winning stakeholders support and navigating complex situations.



Improve board performance in support of a value-creating strategy

>  Board and Board Committees Advisory

>  Board and Board Committees Assessment

>  Training on Duties, Responsibilities and Optimal Behaviour of Board Members

> Onboarding and Offboarding of Board Members

>  Advice on Best Practices

governance advisory

Achieve key milestones with governance in line with the strategic outlook

>  Analysis of Power Exercise

>  Current and Future Alignment on Your Portfolio of Activities

>  Preparation of Capital Transactions (M&A, Spin-offs, Disposals, Restructuring, Reorganisations)

>  Crisis Context with Governance Reshuffle and Preparation of Decisive GMs

>  Succession Context (CEO, Chairman and Board Members)

stakeholder relationship

Succeed in the context of shareholder activism and stakeholder dialogue

>  Review of Stakeholders Interests and Alignment

>  Analysis and Treatment of Potential Risks and Vulnerabilities

>  Anticipation of Stakeholders Responses to Capital Transactions

>  Activism Response and Escalation Planning

>  Tactical Advice and Support

missions carried out

With listed (CAC 40 and SBF 120) and unlisted companies, family businesses and investment funds

>  Analysis of activist vulnerabilities and consideration of minority interests

>  Advising managers, directors and investors in exceptional situations and crises (general meeting, transfer of power, narrative tools)

>  Mediation between family shareholders

>  Advising managers, directors and investors on the implementation of their strategy within the company global environment

>  Corporate Governance & Board Assessment: diagnosis, restructuring, writing and deployment

>  Defence and influence strategy in shareholder disputes and activist campaigns